Are you using a manual microscope? Think how much time you could save, and how much more you could achieve, if you could automate time-consuming acquisition and analysis workflows.
Imaging applications such as spheroid imaging, quantitation of GPCR activation, slide scanning, protein co-localization assays, cytotoxicity, autophagy and neuronal development will be outlined, some of which require the use of a fast automated microscope and a sophisticated yet easy-to-use analysis software.
Come and see the ImageXpress Pico in action! With a lab-friendly price, small footprint and powerful easy-to-use software, our new ImageXpress Pico brings automated cell imaging to individual biology labs.
Come and see why it is growing in popularity.
Limited availability – Register for the seminar and book your demo slot no later than Monday September 10, 2018.
Register by contacting: Maja Hoi or Margareta Waldenström.