Invitees: Practitioners and researchers with an interest in behavioral medicine, Center for Psychiatry Research, Karolinska Institutet/Stockholm Region affiliates, colleagues at the Department of Psychology, Uppsala University, Members of the Nordic Network on Behavioral Medicine - Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish Societies, KI LIfeNet members

14.00-14.10 Anne H Berman, PhD, President-Elect ISBM, President, Swedish Society of Behavioral Medicine Associate Professor, Center for Psychiatry Research, Karolinska Institutet Senior Lecturer, Dept of Psychology, Uppsala University A Globally Urgent Agenda for Behavioral Medicine

14.10-14.30 Lance McCracken, PhD Professor, Department of Psychology, Uppsala. University Behavioral Medicine Approaches for Chronic Pain Today and Tomorrow

14.30-14.50 Åsa Thurfjell, MD Academic Primary Care Center, Stockholm Region Infrastructure for work with lifestyle habits- from local to national level and vice versa

14.50-15.10 Discussion/mingle break

15.10-15.30 Patrik Engdahl PhD cand. CEPI, Center for Evidence-based Psychosocial Interventions, Lund University mWorks- A digital support tool for individuals on sick leave with mental health issues in primary care, who
wish to return to work

15.30-15.50 Anna Finnes, PhD
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet
Work-focused CBT – integrating the work situation in CBT for patients on sick leave

15.50-16.10 Marcus Bendtsen, PhD
Senior Lecturer in Experimental Social Medicine and Public Health, MH/SAM, Linköping University
Digital Lifestyle Interventions - From eHealth to mHealth and from single to multiple lifestyles

16.10-16.30 Discussion

Registration information

Symposium held by The Swedish Behavioral Medicine Society in collaboration with the Center for Psychiatry Research
Tuesday, February 9 20201 14.00-16.30

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