Prepare for a group discussion about methodological difficulties in the article, strengths and weaknesses in cognitive interview as a method. If you are familiar with cognitive interviewing it would be interesting to share your experience.
Title of the article that will be discussed:
Drennan, J. (2003). Cognitive interviewing: verbal data in the design and pretesting of questionnaires Journal of Advanced Nursing, 42, 57-63.
The JC will be led by doctoral student Malin Källman, and co-supervisor Mathilde Hedlund Lindberg.
The Journal Club is intended for PhD-students associated with CPF. Registration for the JC is not necessary! It will be possible to join in on video conference through ZOOM, contact Karolina Sörman ( for this purpose.
Instructions regarding ZOOM: You can get also connected through smartphone (download the app ZOOM). Click on "join a meeting", type in the meeting code that Karolina will provide you with and choose username. For a group to join in, you can use a web camera. For this purpose, download ZOOM on your laptop (for SLL-computers, the installation might take some time so prepare this well in time). To join the meeting, click on the link provided by Karolina.
Meeting ID: 629 7560 1511
Passcode: 166143