In Sweden prevalence is especially high in urban areas with estimates of up to 10% in teenage boys in Stockholm. Some studies have indicated that diagnosed ADHD is more common in higher socioeconomic areas whereas the symptom load of ADHD is higher in lower socioeconomic areas.

At this journal club we will discuss the study by Rydell et al (2018) and the design that was used in the study to evaluate the above question. We will also discuss if perhaps a more symptom based approach is a good complement in the clinical setting for reducing the progress into some of the negative life outcomes.

The article that will be discussed:

Rydell, M., Lundström, S., Gillberg, C., Lichtenstein, P., & Larsson, H. (2018). Has the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder phenotype become more common in children between 2004 and 2014? Trends over 10 years from a Swedish general population sample. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry59, 863– 871

The journal club will be lead by doctoral student Annika Tiger.

Zoom link

Meeting ID: 675 6176 8454

Passcode: 818421


The Journal Club is intended for PhD-students associated with CPF. Registration for the JC is not necessary! It will be possible to join in on video conference through ZOOM, contact Karolina Sörman ( for this purpose.

Instructions regarding ZOOM: You can get also connected through smartphone (download the app ZOOM). Click on "join a meeting", type in the meeting code that Karolina will provide you with and choose username. For a group to join in, you can use a web camera. For this purpose, download ZOOM on your laptop (for SLL-computers, the installation might take some time so prepare this well in time). To join the meeting, click on the link provided by Karolina.
